ZYGOTE, sometimes also ZYGOTE CZ or ZYGOTE (CZ) is side project of SKROL protagonists, founded as dark-noise industrial alternative of the parent band,
predominatly for stage performance, active between 1999-2003. They recorded only one album "Geometrie nevědomí" and unofficial live recording.
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Album of compositions for ensemble (alternative version of "Sense Geometry"). 2000.
Vladimír Hirsch: syntesizers, organs, pianos, percussions, samplers, vocals, mix, Martina Sanollová: vocal, effectsa. Lyrics: Tom Saivon.
Alternative version of "Sense Geometry" project. The original, almost meditative ambient features of the opus are distorted by apocalyptic
Martina´s vocals and multilayered instrumental and noise masses to the degree of acquiring new dimensions both formally and in content.
Tom Saivon’s commanding lyrics underline the intentionally invasive over-structuring of the version – this contrast constitutes the actual basic
message of the conflict between the unconscious and reality. That all was constructed without essential affection of basic author´s idea principles,
though repose on the bottom of the project.
Geometrie nevědomí (CDR © 2001 Integrated Music Records - Catch 038)
1 Zborcené sloupy
2 Exil
3 Mystérium kruhu
4 Hořký dar ohně
5 Lamentace
6 Zlá je hmota
7 Schizma
8 Neklid nerovnosti
9 Sebestředným
10 Úkryty duše
11 Epitaf
Záznam z živých vystoupení. Vladimír Hirsch - syntezátory, computer, hlukové generítory, mix, Martina Sanollová - zpěv.
Live recordings. 2002. Vladimír Hirsch: synthesizers, noise generators, digital technique, mix, Martina Sanollová: vocal.
Album was compilated from live recordings during concerts in Prague (8th Prague industrial festival), Berlin and Wroclaw. It contains some parts of
"Geometrie nevědomí" in performance, extended and enriched by mixing in real time and noise generators.
Liturgy (CDR © 2002 - out of catalogue)
1 Zborcené sloupy
2 Mystérium kruhu
3 Hořký dar ohně
4 Zlá je hmota
5 Schizma
6 Neklid nerovnosti
7 Epitaf